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Email List Rental - An Advantage Over Purchasing Email Lists
There are good and bad ways of making money through email list renting. In short, renting an email list essentially means paying someone a third party a fee, often a monthly fee, to have access to their email list. The fees can be very specific and some allow you to have unlimited email addresses while others charge per email or per day. Renting an email list has the potential to be extremely lucrative if done correctly but the risks are great as well.

The most obvious benefit to renting email lists is to build a targeted list. This is the ideal customer or client profile. This allows you to advertise your services or products to them specifically. Renting email lists allows you to take advantage of the huge potential that Internet marketing reaches. However, it's important to find the right email lists to suit your business needs and not just an ideal customer profile.

Many list providers will offer a variety of different options when it comes to renting email lists. For example, some allow up to five contacts while others limit the number to one. Some also offer a daily quota, while others have a set amount of emails a day or week to send out. Other list rental companies will allow you to create and manage multiple contact lists all from one application. Whatever your list size you will be able to manage it effectively via one contact list application.

With offline direct marketing and email list renting both offering valuable benefits, how do you know which one to choose? One factor to consider is the cost involved in each type. List rental cost can obviously be cheaper than purchasing pre-collected email lists but in terms of the cost involved in offline direct marketing it can actually be quite expensive. The reason being is that it takes longer to compile the email lists needed for this type of strategy. It can take weeks or months, to gather together the information required for this kind of plan.

On the other hand with email list renting, one does not need to wait months to start seeing the results you are looking for. With this type of strategy you can start noticing results within a couple of weeks. This is because with email list renting you are getting pre-collected email lists which are ready to be used. All you have to do with these pre-collected lists is place your sign up form on them and start marketing. The other thing you need to remember is that you will have a lot more recipients for your messages.

As mentioned before, offline direct marketing and email list renting both have their own benefits. However, if you are looking to save money when it comes to using email list brokers then you should go with email list rental. As you may know, many email list brokers charge a monthly fee. However there are a few email list brokers who don't charge any fees at all. When FrescoData comes to choosing between these two options, you should really consider your budget and the amount of money you are willing to spend.

When it comes to email list rental, you will have the option of purchasing lists or not. You may think that purchasing lists would be the best option, but in most cases you won't be able to market effectively with the purchased email lists. This is because these lists often come with a lot of limitations. For example you will only be able to market to people in their list, age group and city/state. There are also times when the distributors of these lists will only allow you to sell the products they carry in their lists.

So, as you can see email list renting has a lot of advantages over purchasing the lists. You also have the option of hiring in-house or freelance copy writers to do your email campaigns for you. You also have the option of renting your lists instead of buying them. So take some time to consider the options and see which one is the best option for you.